Looking back on 2011: Poker Stars
The Formula One Driver's World Championship was won by a Sebastian Vettel this year, but it wasn't the only world title to be won by a German. That feat was matched in poker by Pius Heinz. Heinz, a student of Economics and Psychology in Cologne, who won the Main Event at the Wold Series of Poker in Las Vegas in November. Tobias Weis, 1899 midfielder and an amateur poker player himself, followed Heinz's victory. “I even set an alarm to wake me up so that I could watch his last few rounds”, said Weis. “He did have that bit of luck that you need, but he also played a very bold strategy, and you need to take risks if you want to win a tournament. Now we will wait and see what he can do on top of that great performance.” When asked what Heinz had played to win the world title, Tobse was a little hazy: “I think I had already fallen asleep again by then...”