“Kick-off with Stani” – professional training for one lucky youth team
Who can apply?
Everyone between the ages of nine and 18 are eligible, boys or girls, and whose team is registered in Hessen, Baden-Württemberg or south-west Germany.
What should an application include?
Participants should attach a statement, explaining why they and their club deserve the chance to win a training session with Holger Stanislawski. ‘Kick-off life' is especially interested in cool, exciting and unusual ideas, which can be convincingly presented by the applicant(s).
Sporting or art-based presentation of every kind will be accepted. “Make a video, attach some snaps, and sing a song or two. Show us why team spirit, co-operation and motivation come naturally to you. There are no boundaries to what you can achieve”, reads the ‘Kick-off life' manifesto. We are about igniting the talent and ideas of young footballers. Please note, application videos must not exceed three minutes in length and the competition closes on October 7th 2011.
Important: applicants must have conceived or produced their own ideas, and must also be available to present their ideas at the 10th “Kick-off” anniversary on 22nd October 2011, if they are successful. The application form, as well as further information can be found here: http://www.anpfiff-ins-leben.de/10JahreAnpfiff/Jubiläumsfeier.aspx
How will the winner be chosen?
A jury of football experts, including Stanislawski himself, will select the five best entries. These five applicants will be invited on October 22nd, along with their clubs, and will present their ideas to an audience. The final decision will be made by the audience after having heard each application. “I'm looking forward to some creative and interesting entries. I'd also like to congratulate ‘Kick-off life' for staging and planning such a great competition”, said Stani.