No Comment: Oliver Baumann
For the first time ever, a TSG Hoffenheim player faced the "No Comment" questions for a second time as SPIELFELD spoke to Oliver Baumann. In the very first SPIELFELD issue in August 2015, the goalkeeper gave answers without words, and – almost five years later – he is back.

What do you think when you see the old "No Comment" pictures of you?

How did you feel about the games without crowds?

What was your most impressive game for TSG?

For how many years are you going to keep playing?

Who wears the trousers in your house?

What was the last book that inspired you?

What do you spend a lot of your time doing outside football?

You are currently building your own house. What are your DIY skills like?

You have played the most Bundesliga games in the past decade. How much does that mean to you?

What is your greatest strength as a goalkeeper?

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