No comment with ... Baumgartner

Christoph, Austria have qualified for EURO 2020. Are you still hoping to be included in the squad for the finals?

You followed the qualification campaign on television. Were you really delighted?

You were born in Horn, a small town. What does one do there as a teenager?

You joined the St. Pölten academy at the age of 14. What was the first thing you learned there?

Just between us... you've now had a lot of insights on both sides of the border: what can Austrians do better than Germans?

And vice versa – is there anything that Germans can do better than Austrians?

You moved to the Kraichgau in 2017. What do you particularly like in Germany?

There are two other Austrians in the TSG squad. What do you do when you all meet up in private?

You're always polite and friendly. Is there anything that can be done to make you angry?

You broke your hand a year ago. What did you find particularly difficult to do while wearing the cast?