Niklas Süle: "I’m enjoying training with the team"
Niklas Süle on…
…returning to training and his own personal strain:
Süle: Training here has been organised so that we can get back to a base level of fitness. For me, because of my long injury lay-off, the strain is quite high. I’ve obviously got to get used to full training again, but I’m enjoying the sessions out on the field with my teammates.
…the reception from the fans at the WIRSOL Rhein-Neckar-Arena:
Süle: It was a real treat for me. I’d been working towards that moment for the last six months in rehab. It was really nice to experience how happy the fans were to see me back. Now I want to try and pay back the trust and support I’ve received from them by putting in good performances.
…having the ball at his feet again:
Süle: I’ve been back training with the ball for a long time now, but only ever on my own. It’s a completely different feeling to go back to training with your teammates again. I’ve really missed being in and around the team and getting stuck into tackles. That’s what I find most fun about football. It’s just great that I can go back to giving everything again.
…caution and respect:
Süle: I’m still quite cautious and a little fearful, but I’m working on getting rid of those thoughts. The more time I spend on the pitch with my teammates and the more 50-50s I go in for, the easier it will get, for sure. After this training camp, I’ll go back to the familiar routine at our training centre in Zuzenhausen and everything will soon return to normal. I’m still respectful of my limitations, and that’s important at this early stage. That way I won’t get over-confident and overwork my knee. The upcoming friendlies will be a good chance to work out how careful I’ll need to be this pre-season.
Süle: I’ve never been as strong as I am now. Obviously I’m lacking that basic level of aerobic fitness, because I’ve only been focusing on muscle strengthening in the last few months. That’s another reason why this training camp in Westerburg is so important for me – here I can work on my endurance. We’ve already done a couple of long-distance runs and there are one or two left to come. I’m on the right track to getting my fitness back to what it was like before my injury. My knee feels good, which is the most important thing.
…anticipation and the first friendly on Saturday:
Süle: I’ll hopefully make my comeback against Baiertal. I’m unbelievably excited to get some time back on the pitch and to be able to play with my teammates again. It’ll give me even more confidence and match sharpness.
…the feedback from the coaching staff:
Süle: The manager is always talking to me, asking if everything is okay. I’m also in close contact with the fitness and medical coaches Otmar Rösch and Christian Neitzert, who have been alongside me for the last six months. We’re in constant communication – I’d obviously notify them straightaway should I feel something in my knee.