TSG players set for intensive opening training session
The term lactate test is something heard at every Bundesliga club these days. It involves running various distances at increasing speeds. The players will have to cover a distance of 1,200 metres four times, with the fifth session requiring a quicker pace over 1,600 metres. In between their runs, the players will undergo blood tests to measure their lactic acid levels.
Those measurements will determine the heart rate values that the TSG players have reached during their individual training programmes over the summer break. “We have tailored the regime for each individual player because some of them have been involved in international matches for example,” explained Dietrich. Each player received a heart-rate monitor with a chest strap which contained a data chip that has saved all the individual performance statistics. “With all this information, we know what condition each of the lads is in and can split them into specifically oriented training groups,” added Rösch.
“Work on shortcomings” at the training camp
There are up to three daily training sessions planned for the first training camp in Westerburg (June 30th to July 3rd), which will vary greatly from simply running. “We want to spend a third of the time working on the football pitch. The rest of the time, the focus will be on agility, strength and stabilisation,” said Dietrich, who is responsible for planning the fitness training regime. The whole thing will be coupled with running and cycling. The training sessions will also be tuned for individual players in this regard: “We will use the results of the fitness tests to work with the players on their shortcomings,” said Dietrich.
The training sessions on the pitch at Westerburg will be open to public viewing and interested TSG fans are welcome. The exact schedule will be revealed in due time on the achtzehn99.de website.